
Tag Archives for " football rules "


What is Illegal Touching in Football? (Full Explanation)

By Coach Martin | Football Rules & Penalties

An illegal touching penalty only applies to the first player who touches the ball on a forward pass.

For example, if the quarterback throws a pass to a wide receiver and that wide receiver touches the ball first, only he will be subject to a potential illegal touching penalty.

If the wide receiver tips the ball and it travels in the air to someone else, that second person isn’t subject to the penalty.

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What is a Safety in Football? (Full Explanation)

By Coach Martin | Football Basics

While most scores in football games result in a team scoring six points, three points or one point on a play, there are some rare plays that result in two points.

One is a two-point conversion after a touchdown, and the other is a safety.

The safety in football is both a scoring play that results in two points and also the name of a position on defense.

In this article, we’ll be discussing the point-scoring play, not the position.

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What is a Snap Infraction in Football? (Full Explanation)

By Coach Martin | Football Basics

In football, you’ll sometimes see penalties called before a play even starts — these are what’s know as dead-ball fouls.

Dead-ball fouls can also occur after a play has concluded as well — with many of these being personal foul calls for late hits and the such.

The most common pre-snap dead ball foul is the false start that’s committed by the offense.

But, another one that can happen — but isn’t called as often — is a snap infraction.

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Touchback vs Safety: What’s the Difference? (Explained)

By Coach Martin | Football Basics

There are a few plays in football that look similar, but actually have different outcomes — one such comparison is a touchback vs safety.

In both of these plays, a player is either tackled or downed in their own end zone with possession of the football.

On one hand you have a touchback — the team with the football gets an offensive possession started at their own 25-yard line.

On the other hand, a safety — the team with the football not only loses possession of the football altogether, but the opposite team scores 2 points.

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What is the Roughing the Kicker Rule in Football? (Answered)

By Coach Martin | Football Basics

Football leagues have rules that protect players who find themselves in vulnerable positions.

Whether this be receivers waiting for a pass, kick returners waiting for the ball, or punters in the act of kicking, there are different rules that are set to reduce the chances of injuries in the game.

The Roughing the Kicker is one of those rules meant to protect both place kickers and punters while in the act of kicking.

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